CDIO Humanities and Technology Innovation Workshop-Cultures around Daily Life


CDIO Humanities and Technology Innovation Workshop-Cultures around Daily Life


CDIO Humanities and Technology Innovation Workshop-Cultures around Daily Life


by 尹馨慧


The Culture around Daily Life Course


This course is the second course of the CDIO Humanities and Technology Innovation Workshop held on 19th Sept. The purpose of this workshop is to let students know more about the culture, history and cultural assets. Speaking of culture, Chungju Yin, the director of the Fuliancheng Opera Troupe is the most qualified guest speaker to teach the lesson since the Troupe has always been working hard to combine traditional Peking Opera and modern opera together.


Culture can be seen in every aspect of life. Although it might be performed in different ways, its nature and historical background still remain. History is not only the hidden factor behind, but also the context of everything. If we want to achieve something perfectly and learn thoroughly, we must not neglect the culture and history behind it. Otherwise, we are just living our lives mechanically without emotion and soul, not different from a robot.


In the course, students are guided to understand the various cultural factors and contexts in life from different perspectives. They are also asked to have the firsthand experience of traditional culture and discover the changes behind each of the cultures.


The CDIO Humanities Science and Technology Innovation Workshop series of courses are designed for students to carry out humanities and science projects in the future. Through the guidance, students can have new concepts of cultures, histories, and cultural assets. We hope the courses can be the cornerstone of creativity in humanities and technologies.

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